What is CCE?

CCE is Continuing Christian Education. The purpose of CCE is to provide faith formation to all of the children in the parish who attend public school. CCE is a lifelong, on-going process of education, formation and transformation that enables the spiritual growth and giftedness of all people, to reflect on Gospel values and Church teachings and to encourage discipleship. The Church refers to this as Sacred Tradition – the passing on by the Church the Divine Revelation through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As parents, we know and understand the importance of ensuring that our children are educated; reading and writing, math and science, history and arts….but even more importantly, to pass on to them the riches of our Catholic faith, the most precious treasure we have to give them.

CCE – Continuing Christian Education is for children in Pre-K thru the 12 grade who are attending a public school. 


To register for CCE (Continuing Christian Education) you must come to the parish and fill out a registration form for your family. We ask that only one parent come to the registration as space is limited. CCE Home School will be offered again this year for families that wish to teach their children at home. Children in Kindergarten through grade 12 are eligible for enrollment. If your child attended CCE last school year 2023/2024, and is eligible for to receive a sacrament, please register early as classes fill up quickly.

CCE – Continuing Christian Education is for children in K thru the 12 grade who are attending a public school.


CCE and Children/Adult RCIA Education will be held on the following dates:

July 8, 9, 10 & 11 (Monday thru Thursday)     

From 11 am to 3 pm in Bldg. 300        

July 15, 16, 17 & 18 (Monday thru Thursday)

From 4pm to 7pm in Bldg. 300


Tuition for the school year 2024/2025 is as follows: (we accept: cash, check or card)

1 Child - $90. $75.00*

2 Children - $115.00; $95.00*

3 or more Children - $140.00; $115.00*

We ask that you pay at least HALF of the tuition at the time of registration to secure a place for your child.


Classes will meet as follows:

Monday (6:30-7:45pm) Grades 9-12

Tuesday (6:30-7:45pm) Grades 6-8

Wednesday (6:30-7:45pm) K-5 English

Thursday (6:30-7:45pm) RCIA Children

Saturday (10-11:30am) K-5 (Spanish)

Frequently Asked Questions

▪️CCE Home School will be offered again this year for families that wish to teach their children at home.

▪️Adults needing sacraments can register at this time. Adults interested in the sacraments of Baptism, Communion or Confirmation or who wish to inquire about the Catholic faith, may enroll in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). RCIA, will meet on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8:15pm

▪️Parents who have children eligible to prepare for Penance/Communion and Confirmation will be given information at the time of registration please request if needed.

▪️Children who are not baptized and are seven (7) years old or older, will be enrolled in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for children) which will meet on Thursday from 6:30pm to 7:45pm.

🔺️There is a $50 fee per book if you don't return in good condition for home school.🔻

🔸️Quinceañera– Girls interested in celebrating a Quinceañera MUST be enrolled in CCE or attending a Catholic school, have received their First Communion, and are required to complete at least 25 hours of community service. Please request to register for the quincinera group ceremony at CCE registration.

Contact Us

Patty Ramirez – Coordinator of Sacramental Prep/Coordinadora de Preparación Sacramental

Email: Patty.Ramirez@cabrinihouston.org

Look for the CCE Corner in the Bulletin each week!

“LIKE” us on Facebook

Follow us on Instagram

We will post information of meetings, cancellation of classes and all things CCE!

Welcome Back

Just a few quick reminders. Parents must sign their children into and out of class. Only students with a valid Texas Driver’s License AND a signed release form may sign themselves in and out of class.  This is for the safety of all students. In another month, the time will change and it will be dark when children arrive and leave CCE evening classes.


If you wish to make a payment, we ask that you follow this procedure:

Parents of students, who attend class on Saturday, may pay in the Church Office

Parents of students, who attend Sunday through Thursday, please arrive 15 minutes before pick up time and make your payment in the CCE Office in Bldg. 300. We accept cash, check or credit/debit cards.


Picture Backdrop

Perhaps you have noticed the picture backdrop in front of the Church Office. This is an opportunity for all our families to  create a memory

Mass Attendance

Many parents have asked about Mass Attendance for children preparing for Sacraments this school year. The “Sunday Obligation” is that all baptized Catholics should attend Mass every Sunday. When a student is preparing to receive a sacrament, we will check to see if they are attending Mass. You will be notified in the Sacrament Registration Meeting, when Mass Attendance will begin for your child.



How to Keep Up with News from the CCE Department


cabrinihouston.org – The parish website has information about CCE and all of the other ministries here at St. Frances Cabrini

CCE Corner               – Published in the weekly bulletin. Thoughts, ideas and information for students and parents.

 Facebook – Check out our Facebook page. SAINT FRANCES CABRINI HOUSTON Pictures, video and information about all the things happening in our parish. In the event of a last minute cancellation of classes due to weather conditions, you will be informed on the Facebook page.

 Twitter – We are now on Twitter @cabrinihouston   in the event of a last minute cancellation of classes due to weather conditions, you will be informed on Twitter as well.

 Instagram - Follow us on Instagram @cabrinihouston

Snapchat _ CabriniHouston  In the event of a last minute cancellation of classes due to weather conditions, you will be informed on all this pages.


Bienvenidos de Nuevo

Sólo unos recordatorios. Los padres deben de firmar al llegar y salir sus hijos de la clase. Solo los estudiantes con una licencia de conducir válida de Texas Y un formulario de liberación firmado pueden firmar al iniciar y salir de clase. Esto es por la seguridad de todos los estudiantes. El siguiente mes, el tiempo cambiará y oscurecerá cuando los niños lleguen y salgan de las clases nocturnas de CCE.

Si desea hacer un pago, le pedimos que siga este procedimiento:

Los padres de los estudiantes, que asisten a la clase el sábado, pueden pagar en la Oficina de la Iglesia
Padres de los estudiantes, que asisten de domingo a jueves, por favor lleguen 15 minutos antes de la hora de la hora de salida y hagan su pago en la Oficina de CCE en edificio 300. Aceptamos efectivo, cheque o tarjetas de crédito/débito.


Telón de fondo para fotos

Tal vez haya notado el telón de fondo para fotos enfrente de la Oficina Parroquial. Esta es una oportunidad para que todas nuestras familias creen un recuerdo y tomen una foto juntos.

La asistencia a Misa

Muchos padres han preguntado acerca de la asistencia a la Misa para los niños que se preparan para los sacramentos este año escolar. La "Obligación dominical" es que todos los católicos bautizados asistan a Misa todos los domingos. Cuando un estudiante se está preparando para recibir uno de los sacramentos, verificaremos si asisten a la Misa. Se le notificará en la Reunión de Registro Sacramental, cuando la asistencia a Misa comenzará para su hijo/a.


Cómo mantenerse al día con las noticias del Departamento de CCE


cabrinihouston.org –  El sitio web parroquial tiene información sobre CCE y todos los ministerios en St. Frances Cabrini

CCE Corner               – Publicado en el boletín semanal. Pensamientos, ideas e información para estudiantes y padres.

 Facebook – Echa un vistazo a nuestra página de Facebook. SAINT FRANCES CABRINI HOUSTON Fotos, video e información sobre todas las cosas que suceden en nuestra parroquia. En caso de cancelación de clases de última hora debido a las condiciones climáticas, se le informará en la página de Facebook.

INSTAGRAM Siganos en Instagram @cabrinihouston

SNAPCHAT CabriniHouston En caso de cancelación de clases de última hora debido a las condiciones climáticas, se le informará en estas páginas también

Twitter – Ahora estamos en Twitter@cabrinihouston.org Una vez más, en caso de cancelación de clases de última hora debido a las condiciones climáticas, también se le informará en Twitter.