Priests who have served as Pastor for Our Parish:

Rev. Allen Ray Doga

Rev. John T. Keller

Rev. Milam Kleas

Rev. Dennis Peterson

Rev. Reginald Nesvadba

Rev. Norbet J. Maduzia, Jr.

Rev. Frank Fabj

Rev. Nicolas Ramirez


Rev. Jose Alonso

Our story

St. Frances Cabrini Parish was canonically erected by Bishop Wendelin J. Nold on June 22, 1962. Father Allen Ray Doga was appointed its first pastor. The first liturgy was celebrated in A.B. Freeman School on July 15, 1962, the birthday of St. Frances Cabrini.

Within a month, the Men’s Club and Women’s Club were begun and parish census was taken. 550 families were initially registered and a Building Fund Drive was held at the end of September, 1962. A home was purchased to be used as the rectory and parish office. The garage was converted into a chapel by some of the men in the parish to be used for daily celebration of the Eucharist. In May 1963, the house next door was purchased for the Dominican Sisters who were to staff the day school. In the summer of 1963, the growing parish was coming together to celebrate the Liturgy in the South Houston High School Auditorium.

Ground was broken by Bishop Morkovsky on July 14, 1963 for the church, classrooms, administration building which included the library and parish hall. The First Eucharistic celebration was held in the new facilities on Mother’s day, May 10, 1964. The dedication and blessing was held on August 15, 1964. The parish grew to such large proportions that St. Luke the Evangelist, our sister parish, was formed in 1975. After having a day school from 1964 to 1969, it was closed at the end of the 1968 school terms for economical reason. We were among the first parishes to have Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and permanent Deacons.